Saturday 19 November 2011

The nudge-nudge, wink-wink...

Greetings humans.

The wheels of diplomatic-based administration seem to be slowly turning and things are finally progressing - we have received the secret coded email stating that "no further information is required" from us. This is great news as the only other option would have been for them to tell us politely but firmly to fuck off. Option A is therefore much more conducive to our overall plans - which rely quite heavily on not being told to fuck off.

On careful inspection it was apparent that we also received a further coded message that "the visa should be granted by 29th January" which, when deciphered, indicates that the visa should be granted by 29th January. 

This means we have some planning to do. However I am not very good at planning, nor do I like thinking very much, so instead I have wisely chosen to watch a documentary about a horse that fell down a hole in the ground. I am certain that this will somehow help the process of overseas travel enormously and should not be construed as idle loafing.

This has, however, imparted upon me a nagging uncertainty about what to do with all of my stuff when we embark on our travels. I've accumulated quite a lot of shit over the years (more affectionately known as my 'garments') but I'm not sure my parents will aprove of me shoving it all into their loft - mainly due to the fact that it's already full of all of my other garments. Besides, I am pretty sure domestic ceilings are not engineered to carry a 4-tonne dead load. 

I will therefore have to have a good think about either selling/burning it off - whichever is easier really. If anyone would like to buy a cello please let me know...